Event Promotion on a Budget

It’s no secret that churches have to budget, especially for events. When faced with “getting the word out,” sometimes the promotion portion of the event is overlooked until it’s . . . well, time to promote it. Here are a few budget-friendly, event-promotion tips to help you work lean and practice good stewardship.

Continue reading Event Promotion on a Budget

The Four Types of Committee People

So, you’ve been put in charge of a team of people for a big event or task. Congratulations?!? Don’t worry, you’ve got this!

After you have a crystal-clear understanding of the assignment, a key next step is understanding the people who make up your team. Once you know what motivates them and how they think, you can connect them with assignments that help them do their best to make this a great project. Degrees in psychology aren’t required—just some simple observations on human nature will give you plenty of answers.

Continue reading The Four Types of Committee People

Top 10 Things to Know Before Planning Your Event

Events are fun, right? The initial plans are always filled with pie-in-the-sky concepts, Pinterest-worthy designs, visions of perfect weather and images of coordinating in a stress free environment. It’s the “honeymoon” stage of event planning, and one that doesn’t last very long. . . . because reality sets in.

Budgets and bosses take over, and your event is now another task on your already long list of things to do.

Continue reading Top 10 Things to Know Before Planning Your Event

Churches Going Greener: The Serial Influence of Kids

You get it; our planet is in jeopardy, and you’ve taken action. After all, God gave us our beautiful planet . . . and the responsibility to manage and protect it. You would like to see others in your church take action, involving all age groups in ongoing green initiatives, but you find that only a few share your passion. When trying to enlist help, do not overlook the impression that could be made by your youngest members; if you need assistance developing a strategy, look no further than the cereal aisle at the grocery store.

Continue reading Churches Going Greener: The Serial Influence of Kids

The Buddy (Eco)system: Help is closer than you think

Facing a challenge? Rather than going it alone, the buddy system is often the best way to achieve goals. Looking to lose a few pounds? Diet with a friend. Want to strengthen spiritual discipline? Join an accountability group. Encouragement, inspiration, and shared knowledge all come together to facilitate success when we join with others to reach common aspirations. When it comes to taking care of our environment, however, we need all the help we can get; thankfully, we have quick access to environmental buddies ready to team up with us as we work toward success.

Continue reading The Buddy (Eco)system: Help is closer than you think

Sacred Earth, Sacred Trust

Last December, representatives of almost 190 nations did something they’d never before been able to accomplish; gathered in Paris, they reached an international agreement on climate change.

On April 22, the United Nations will host a signing ceremony at UN Headquarters in New York City. When fifty-five countries representing fifty-five percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions sign on, the Paris Agreement will enter into force; faith communities played an important role in making this outcome possible.

Over the past eighteen months, beginning with the People’s Climate March, people of faith around the world have mobilized on climate change at a larger scale than ever. We’ve signed petitions. Written letters. Studied and prayed. Visited elected officials. Conducted vigils and pilgrimages. Taken part in mobilizations and peaceful demonstrations. Conserved energy in our congregations and homes. . . . and more.

Continue reading Sacred Earth, Sacred Trust