Thou Shalt Be Green?

Moses didn’t descend from Mount Sinai with a stone tablet that read “Thou Shalt be Green,” but more and more denominations have adopted environmental disciplines as part of their official doctrine. Christians are waking up to the fact that taking care of the Earth is, fundamentally, a moral obligation.

More than a Moral Issue

The Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director of GreenFaith, an interfaith coalition for the environment, takes it a step further saying that responsible environmental stewardship is not only a moral issue, its within the definition of what it means to have a spiritual life.

On the very first page of his new book, GreenFaith, Harper goes right to the heart of our obligation concerning the environment:

“Nature, the outdoors, the environment, is fundamental to religious faith and spirituality. Human experience affirms this. The world’s sacred texts confirm it. Human life and vitality depend on it. And, healthy religious faith is incomplete without it.”

Hidden Truths

Harper says the Bible is filled with hidden truths that tell us to respect the earth. We’ve read how God created the earth over and over again in Genesis, but Harper suggests that we miss a key element of the creation story; that it is good. So from the very beginning, we’re told that earth is valuable.

The Bible also tells us that God’s creation belongs to God, and remains in the Almighty’s control. Again, it’s such a basic concept that it seems as though we need not note it. But doesn’t focusing on God’s control also point out our own responsibility? Harper says we’re using something that doesn’t belong to us—so doesn’t that make us incredibly responsible for its treatment?

“Do our systems of ownership and control of natural resources reflect the divine imperative that we respect and love creation and affirm its goodness by ensuring that it supports abundant life?”

Take a Walk—Now

Harper acknowledges that knowing how to begin to live a more ecologically sensitive life seems overwhelming; he says to start simply.

“Now—right now—begin by taking a walk outside to commune with God. Listen to God’s voice. Meditate on God’s ways. You are a caretaker of God’s earth. Ask God how you can take your role more seriously.”

Available in print and e-book formats, GreenFaith by Rev. Fletcher Harper is available here.

GreenFaith Resources for Your Church

The GreenFaith website, (, provides a wealth of information for churches that want to become better environmental stewards. You’ll find eco-themed worship sermons, religious/environmental educational resources, eco-tips to use in your bulletins, children’s programs, and more. The following guide is reprinted with permission.

Building an Effective Green Team

Here are some tips to help you make your Green Team as strong as possible.

Tip #1: Identify Diverse, Motivated and Influential Members

Effective Green Teams have members who represent diverse constituencies within your community. The Team should include:

  • Lay, ordained, and professional staff leaders
  • Facilities maintenance staff
  • Members of the buildings and grounds, finance, worship, education, and social-action committees
  • Respected leaders within your community

Tip #2: Share the Work

Each Team member should have an area of responsibility (for example, energy conservation, publicity, and so on), which cultivates a sense of ownership, engagement, and leadership. Larger Green Teams may find it helpful to create subcommittees.

Tip #3: Meet Regularly

While there is no precise number of meetings that ensures success, it is important that your Green Team meets regularly to track your progress and plan upcoming activities. We recommend that your Green Team meet approximately once every six weeks.

Tip #4: Quick Wins, Publicity, and then Planning

The best Green Teams find ways to create “quick wins” for their community—and publicize these victories widely—in order to build positive momentum, a sense of pride and accomplishment, and to attract further support.

Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone.

One person can make a difference. You encourage your youth groups, your congregation, and your community with this message, hoping you can motivate them to make a Christian response to world issues. But as you urge others to accept the “one person” truth, have you ever thought you’re the one person who can’t?

It’s overwhelming.

Whether shepherding a flock of 200 or 2,000, church leaders face relatively the same challenges: not enough time, volunteers, or money. You can’t do it all. And you don’t have to.

Here are just a few resources that offer free materials to help you communicate with your church about the social issues of our time. From flyers to sermon starts to posters to bulletin stuffers, these sites overflow with resources to give you some relief from the details so you can get back to shepherding.

Prayer seems to work, too. (Fighting Malaria)
In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria continues to kill at the rate of one person every 60 seconds. But there is hope! Imagine No Malaria is part of a global partnership. Thanks to the efforts of the United Methodist Church and our partners, we are on our way to beating malaria in this generation. Printable bulletin inserts, worship guides, display layouts, graphics, fundraising ideas and more. From United Methodist Committee on Relief.

Energy Star (Energy Conservation)
You’ll find tip sheets, action workbooks, sample messaging, case studies, cash flow opportunity calculators and other resources designed specifically for churches that want to become more energy efficient. From the Environmental Protection Agency.

Bread for the World (Ending Hunger)
Provides newsletters, fact sheets, pastor helps, congregation and community engagement ideas and resources for prayer, worship, education, and reflections in an effort to end world hunger. From Bread for the World.

Engage Together (Human Trafficking)
This tool kit has been designed specifically for the church with input from experts serving in the field and churches already engaged in combating human trafficking throughout our nation. We pray this will be a powerful resource for you—one that will help you to discover how your church and individual members can be mobilized to rescue and restore those in harm’s way, and to prevent such evil from happening in the first place. From the Alliance for Freedom, Restoration, and Justice, Inc.

Two Feet of Love (Overall Social Justice awareness)
This foundational tool describes two distinct, but complementary, ways we can put the Gospel in action in response to God’s love: social justice (addressing systemic, root causes of problems that affect many people) and charitable works (short-term, emergency assistance for individuals).

Let’s Move Faith and Communities (Children’s Health)
Neighborhood and faith-based organizations are well positioned to initiate and coordinate activities that encourage healthy living and well-being. This organization shows trusted leaders in communities and congregations how to empower families and communities in making better choices that improve the health of our nation’s children.

Resources for Racial Justice (Racial Justice)
This tool kit offers many ways to get involved in implementing the Charter for Racial Justice, including Bible studies, worship, programs, workshops, displays, issues, and action ideas. From the United Methodist Women Racial Justice Office.

The Penny Project (Child Poverty)
Youth of American Baptist Churches USA are collecting 14 million pennies to represent the number of children living in poverty in the United States and Puerto Rico. This tool kit shows how you can help. From the American Baptist Home Mission Societies.

Justice for Immigrants (Immigration Reform)
These educational tools include information on how to reach out to the media, tips for pastors who are developing homilies on immigration related issues, and a fact sheet debunking commonly held myths that some opponents of reform claim are facts.  From the Catholic Church.