Unity In Diversity


Many of us who identify ourselves as Christians are allowing ourselves—and Christ’s Church—to be hijacked for partisan, political purposes. At best, many of us have remained silent about the blatant racism and fear mongering that have helped to fuel campaigns and pollute the airwaves and political process. At worst, some of us have become complicit, hitching our wagons to the stars of politicians and platforms that little reflect the love and inclusive community of Christ.

Jesus calls us to be engaged in the political process to serve the world without becoming entangled in the partisan divide. It’s hard to actively participate in God’s redemptive work when we allow ourselves to be enmeshed in worldly ideologies and values.

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Your Church Can Faithfully Battle Xenophobia

This presidential campaign season—as in no other of recent memory—Xenophobic, exclusionary, fear of the Other has been used by politicians in an attempt to garner votes. Xenophobia is more than a matter of preference for people whom we enjoy hanging out with, or those with whom we feel most comfortable. In Xenophobia we separate ourselves from others to better oppress, exploit, expulse, confine, hurt, or deny justice and access to others whom we have judged to be so Other as to be beyond the bounds of having any bond between us or any claim upon us.

In recent debates over whether or not to admit Syrian refugees, questions have been raised like, If we let them in, what’s the cost? Will our nation be less secure? Will property values in my neighborhood be diminished? Will these newcomers help or hinder the economy?

Continue reading Your Church Can Faithfully Battle Xenophobia

Transformed for the Work of Transforming

Passionate advocates for causes great and small (there are a total of 1,044 pieces of proposed legislation) are praying, blogging, and lobbying. Agencies like the General Board of Global Ministries or The United Methodist Publishing House that are accountable to the General Conference have prepared updates and seek support for emphases and projects. Women and men from four continents who are lay and clergy, old and young, traditionalist and those pushing for dramatic changes all desire to be faithful Christian disciples, loyal UMs, and to do their jobs with integrity and fidelity.

Continue reading Transformed for the Work of Transforming