Cost-saving tips that’ll make you say, “VB-Yes!”


Even in our so-called sophisticated world, Vacation Bible School is still a beloved rite of childhood. Churches know that it’s a way of getting their community into their church, or (like Backyard Bible Clubs) a way of getting their church into their community. Regardless of the method, however, VBS doesn’t come cheap . . . but there are ways to soften the budget blow. And thanks to some of our budget-conscious, VBS-enthusiast friends, they’ve let us publish a few of their secrets here!

Continue reading Cost-saving tips that’ll make you say, “VB-Yes!”

Five (Affordable!) Children’s Ministry Staples for Sets and Props


If you want to see how fun the children’s department is at a church, check out their craft closet; every church has one. Some are junky, and some look like the shelves at a Michael’s® store. At my church, it was the place we kept the aluminum Christmas tree left over from the Christmas play of 1972, the bathrobes (a.k.a., “shepherds’ robes”), the wire coat hangers and tinsel that become halos in December, the pair of sandals that “Jesus” (a.k.a., kid with longest hair) wore during the Easter play, and the endless plastic containers of glue, glitter, markers, construction paper, beach balls, and so on. But no matter how it looked or what it contained, everyone knew that this is where the real fun began!

Regardless of where your church falls on the space-financial-creative spectra, a well-stocked crafts and supplies closet is more valuable than the sum of its parts. So here’s my list of five easily obtainable, affordable children’s ministry staples—all easily adaptable to various themes, programs, and purposes.

Continue reading Five (Affordable!) Children’s Ministry Staples for Sets and Props

What Would Einstein Do … to Recruit VBS Volunteers?


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” You’ve heard this quote from Einstein, well, over and over again. But in truth, the definition is not his; nor did it come from Ben Franklin. Maybe Mark Twain? Nope. What’s also doubtful is that any of these three brainy men ever recruited volunteers for Vacation Bible School.

Now if every position on your VBS volunteer roster is filled, congratulations! You’ve got volunteer recruitment down to a science. If not, maybe it’s time to change up something in your volunteer recruitment strategy*.

Continue reading What Would Einstein Do … to Recruit VBS Volunteers?