Putting a Face on Giving

Have you ever met a local television news anchor at a community event? When people have personal contact with a local media “star,” they typically make a point to tune in now that they feel a kind of connection however brief it might have been. Station management knows that personal contact can change viewing habits and therefore ratings.  Which makes you wonder how stewardship campaigns would be affected if church members connected—even briefly—with the people who directly benefited from their pledges?

Giving a face and a name to the needs of the church and community makes pledging personal; and when it gets personal, you’ve got their attention. Hearing about all the good things your church does is one thing; looking into the grateful eyes of someone with whom your pledge has made a difference, that’s another thing entirely.


About Face Pledge Cards

Create a template of a pledge card that includes a pledge form, room for a photo, and a brief statement. Take pictures of people in classes, in daycare, during service projects . . . everywhere you see people who benefit from a church project or service. And don’t be afraid to take close-ups; you want your photos to be of faces. Print and cut them out, then paste them onto (or into, if you’re computer-savvy) your pledge card template. Hang them on an artificial tree, a bulletin board, or even from the ceiling grid and let the pastor invite the congregation to choose a card. Personalize each card? You bet. This is all about personalization.



This is David. He is one of twenty-three homeless men who spent the night in our Fellowship Hall last month. The church not only provided the men with a warm/cool, safe place to stay, but we also served them a nice, filling meal.  Take this pledge card to honor David, and know that your contribution goes to support programs like Room in the Inn.



This is [first name]. [He/She] is a [single mother? four-year-old? recovering addict? what was the need?] who [took a parenting class? attended VBS? uses our counseling program . . .  what service was provided to help fulfill that need?]. Take this pledge card to honor [first name] and know that your contribution goes to support programs like [name of program.]


Face-to-Face with Pastor

At most churches people line up to shake hands and say a word or two to the pastor after the worship service. Take advantage of that with this idea: Select people who have benefitted from church programs and have them form a reception line just outside the sanctuary. Prompt them to thank people as they pass by for what the church has done to help them, but also ask a volunteer or staff member to “host” each person in case they need a little help. Have pledge cards available at the end of the line just before they see the pastor who is—again—at the end of the line.


Example for Those Helped:

My name is David. Nice to meet you. I sure appreciate the church letting me stay the night here during that cold snap last month. Without Room in the Inn, I don’t know what some of us would do. Thanks again.


Example for Host:

Hey, I want you to meet David. You know how the church supports Room in the Inn? Well, David is one of the men we were so happy to have stay with us one night last month, when it was so cold. We hope you’ll make a pledge to the church again this year to help us continue to fund these important programs.


Face It

This idea also centers on taking photos of those who benefit from the church’s programs, but would showcase the photos in a formal art show setting. Enlarge and/or frame as many photos as possible and display them on easels and movable screens. Post information next to each piece of art that describes the subject. Make the art show a big deal; invite the media, ask “patrons” to vote on their favorite, serve punch and light hors d’oeuvres, offer valet parking—you could even roll out a red carpet and stage a premiere event. All the hoopla serves as an interesting way to get the congregation to pay attention to the faces of those in need.


Important: Don’t Lose Face

Before adapting any of these ideas, you need to run them by your church’s legal counsel. While using photos of those who are involved in your programs may seem to be “implied consent,” it can get a lot more complicated than that.

“Churches would want to get approval from the person to use their information and image,” says Alisa Graner Napier, a music and media licensing professional in Nashville, Tenn. “The person would need to know what the pledge card is being used for, where, when, etc., and approve it in writing with their signature, date and, if possible, their address and phone number.”

Although not an attorney, Graner Napier has been in the industry for twenty years and says typically an organization, with their attorney’s assistance, creates a release form to use in situations like this. She suggests that before going to print, show those whose photos you plan to use what the stewardship materials will look like to avoid later confusion.

“Churches could create a mockup of the pledge card showing where the photo and information would go so the person could see how exactly it is being used. Also, for their church files, they should keep a copy of the pledge cards attached to the individuals’ releases so they don’t get mixed up.”

So, take these ideas and make them your own. Find ways to make use of social media. Make it intergenerational. Or let them inspire you to think of a new way to show your congregation that they can no longer take your pledge campaign at face value.


Judy Bumgarner is a freelance writer in Nashville, Tennessee.

Got Your Six

You can’t hang around a church for any length of time without hearing someone use the term missional. It’s hard to believe that this mainstay of our lexicon was introduced to us less than twenty years ago when a group of six professors and pastors published their research in a book called Missional Church: A Vision of the Sending of the Church in North America. Since then, the majority of churches has become more focused on the theology of mission work and has created flourishing ministries, reaching out to all the sub-cultures of their communities . . . all, that is, but one. The military.

”Maybe its the ‘can’t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees’ type dynamic,” says Gary Sanders,

founder and president Military Missions Network (MMN), a non-profit organization in Chesapeake, Virginia. “But the majority of churches do not have any kind of organized ministry for the military. That’s been surprising to me.”

Continue reading Got Your Six

I’m Not a Mother

It’s Mother’s Day, and the preacher asks for every mother to stand up and be recognized for all they’ve meant to their family. As the congregation begins to applaud, someone leans over and whispers excitedly into your ear, “Why aren’t you standing up? C’mon! It’s Mother’s Day!” Your greatest dream is to be a mother and your dream has not come true. The tears you’ve blinked away all morning are now streaming down your face. “I’m not a mother,” you weep.

Continue reading I’m Not a Mother

What Would Einstein Do … to Recruit VBS Volunteers?


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” You’ve heard this quote from Einstein, well, over and over again. But in truth, the definition is not his; nor did it come from Ben Franklin. Maybe Mark Twain? Nope. What’s also doubtful is that any of these three brainy men ever recruited volunteers for Vacation Bible School.

Now if every position on your VBS volunteer roster is filled, congratulations! You’ve got volunteer recruitment down to a science. If not, maybe it’s time to change up something in your volunteer recruitment strategy*.

Continue reading What Would Einstein Do … to Recruit VBS Volunteers?

Churches Going Greener: The Serial Influence of Kids

You get it; our planet is in jeopardy, and you’ve taken action. After all, God gave us our beautiful planet . . . and the responsibility to manage and protect it. You would like to see others in your church take action, involving all age groups in ongoing green initiatives, but you find that only a few share your passion. When trying to enlist help, do not overlook the impression that could be made by your youngest members; if you need assistance developing a strategy, look no further than the cereal aisle at the grocery store.

Continue reading Churches Going Greener: The Serial Influence of Kids

The Buddy (Eco)system: Help is closer than you think

Facing a challenge? Rather than going it alone, the buddy system is often the best way to achieve goals. Looking to lose a few pounds? Diet with a friend. Want to strengthen spiritual discipline? Join an accountability group. Encouragement, inspiration, and shared knowledge all come together to facilitate success when we join with others to reach common aspirations. When it comes to taking care of our environment, however, we need all the help we can get; thankfully, we have quick access to environmental buddies ready to team up with us as we work toward success.

Continue reading The Buddy (Eco)system: Help is closer than you think

It’s All About Tradition

Spoiler alert coming: Ask a Methodist to tell you how Christians honor and celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ, and you’ll hear pretty much the same thing from all of us. Traditions like waving palm fronds on Palm Sunday and having sunrise services on Easter morning are so familiar to so many of us, it may have never entered our minds that there are Christians whose services and rituals are completely unlike our own. And guess what? They’re just as traditional—and important—as ours.

Continue reading It’s All About Tradition

Spiritual Rows to Hoe

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is full of references about gardening, soil, plants, and planting; as Christians, then, it’s only natural that we often use the planting metaphor to discuss new goals, initiatives, or endeavors, particularly when it involves the formation of new faith communities. As churches go through the stages of making and reaching yearly goals of any kind, however, the imagery is just as apt.

Continue reading Spiritual Rows to Hoe

You Might Be an Energy Waster

’Tis the season . . . for skyrocketing utility bills. Could your church use an energy tune-up? Whether it’s using new light bulbs, hanging sun-blocking blinds, using rain barrels, or installing solar panels, discussions about how to save energy and money is more than a lot of hot air.

Continue reading You Might Be an Energy Waster