Spiritual Rows to Hoe

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is full of references about gardening, soil, plants, and planting; as Christians, then, it’s only natural that we often use the planting metaphor to discuss new goals, initiatives, or endeavors, particularly when it involves the formation of new faith communities. As churches go through the stages of making and reaching yearly goals of any kind, however, the imagery is just as apt.

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The Rearview Mirror

My twin daughters recently received their driving permits, so the correct way to operate a vehicle is common dialogue in my world right now. Driving requires focus, clear vision, and an awareness of what is going on around you. I’ve told my girls that they need to keep their eyes on what is directly in front of them and only to occasionally glance in the rear view and side mirrors.

Imagine someone on the highway trying to drive with their eyes focused only on what lies behind them.

As I’ve studied the life of Joseph in the Old Testament this past year, I’ve noticed that he did a good job of keeping his eyes on the path in front of him. His brothers betrayed him, yet somehow he was able to forgive and even reconcile with them. How did he do it? Forgiving sounds good . . . but actually releasing our pain to God and keeping our eyes on the road ahead (with only occasional glimpses to the wounds of past) proves harder in real life than it appears on paper.

Perhaps the hurtful words, actions, or inactions of others still sting in your life. People criticized your decisions. Others misunderstood your motives. Ministry leaders can become an easy target for those who are hurting. I remember being told that I would grow thicker skin as time went on, but some wounds penetrate even the thickest of layers.

If you are looking for a fresh start in 2016, find a way to keep your eyes focused on the road God has in front of you instead of your rear view mirror. Check out these examples from Joseph’s life that helped him on the journey to forgiveness:

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Some New Year SPICE

When people hear the world Quaker, their brains tend to go directly to oats. That’s not surprising since it’s hard to go to through a grocery store and not see the smiling visage of the Quaker Oats® man. But Quaker Oats has nothing to do with “real” Quakers. In fact, some of us don’t even like oats. We are into SPICE, though. Especially as the New Year begins.

As I admit in my book, Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker, I’m pretty bad at being good. And that includes making and keeping New Year’s resolutions. Yeah, right. Resolutions last— well, in my case at least—for about a week. Maybe you’re like me in that. So instead of making resolutions, how about inviting God to help you put some SPICE in your life in the coming year?

  • Stillness
  • Peace
  • Integrity
  • Community
  • Equality

Quakers see these things as integral parts of living in the way of Jesus. They’re not just for Quakers. All of God’s children benefit from them.

Continue reading Some New Year SPICE